Xcode 6...
Now that Xcode 6 is out, I installed it along with the command line tools, and attempted to compile my Qt projects. I need to update my Qt install to the latest, and then tried to compile. I get the following compiler output:
15:31:52: Running steps for project ProjectNameHere...
15:31:52: Starting: "/QtSDK/5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/bin/qmake" /Users/dllau/ProjectNameHere/ProjectNameHere.pro -r -spec macx-clang CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=x86_64
date: illegal time format
usage: date [-jnu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ...
[-f fmt date | [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]] [+format]
Project ERROR: Could not resolve SDK path for 'macosx10.8'
15:31:53: The process "/QtSDK/5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/bin/qmake" exited with code 3.
Error while building/deploying project LenticularRip (kit: Desktop Qt 5.3.2 clang 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
15:31:53: Elapsed time: 00:00.Any idea if there is a fix for this?
Do you have the macosx10.8 sdk installed ?
Let me fix this post yet again. Following your hint, I downloaded Xcode 5.1.1 from Apple, and copied the 10.8.sdk from Xcode 5.1.1's App package and placed it into Xcode 6's App package. Now the projects seem to compile just fine. So the message here is that Xcode 6 only has the 10.9.SDK. Installing it over top of Xcode 5.x will break the Qt compiler chain. You must preserve the 10.8.SDK file.
You should first take a look at the Download part in the preferences, usually you can download some of the older SDKs
I was able to re-compile Qt5.3.2 with Xcode 6 (and the 10.9 sdk), all seems to work fine on the Qt side. I lost the ability to debug with lldb from Qt Creator, had to setup gdb.
Downloading 10.8.sdk doesn't seem to be an option this time. I'd like to know if anyone has gotten lldb working before I go the route of using 10.9.sdk.
I've retry with a simple example, since my project is non-trivial. I tried qtbase/mainwindows/application and I still cannot launch with lldb, it just hangs. I use gdb installed from macports, not perfect but works.
I'd say keep Xcode 5 around if you're not ready to do that.
As for compiling Qt 5.3.2 with Xcode 6 and retaining OS X 10.6 compatibility, I do this:
@> export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
./configure -debug-and-release -prefix /usr/local/Qt-5.3.2 -nomake examples -sdk macosx10.9 -no-c++11
make install
make generate_docs
make qch_docs
make install_qch_docs@Note the "-no-c++11"
Like Sandy says, Xcode 6 debugger does not work inside Qt Creator. So the answer is pretty clear here that Qt just isn't ready for Xcode 6, and we are all better off just sticking with Xcode 5.1.1. Nice thing about Apple is that the various Xcode versions are completely self contained. So I just renamed Xcode.app to Xcode6.app and then reinstalled Xcode 5.1.1 as Xcode.app. And Qt Creator found all the compiler and debugger tools.
Sandy, can you post instructions on setting up gdb for those nuts who really want to transition to Xcode 6?
What about debugging?
About gdb:
I installed gdb with macports, it end up in /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/gdb. Go in Preferences / Build & Run / Debuggers and add a new debugger with that path. Then go to Preferences / Build & Run / Kits and you can now select that new debugger for your Qt kit.
Note 1: it's not perfect, my debugging experience is not as stable as it used to be.
Note 2: macports also provide a "gdb-apple" port, which is a gdb with some Apple's patches, gdb that was used before they switch to lldb. Maybe I'll give this one a try too.
Note 3: Keeping Xcode 5 around is probably a wise advise for now.
For those who want to use lldb from QtCreator without downgrading XCode, if you're willing to risk running unstable code, you can grab lldbbridge.py from the git repo at https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/raw/4d12c017de5cf452480d6a627c927ae8c4278300:share/qtcreator/debugger/lldbbridge.py and use it to replace Qt Creator.app/Contents/Resources/debugger/lldbbridge.py. I did that, and now I can use lldb from XCode 6.0.1 in QtCreator 3.2.1.
One more thing.
If you just reinstalled Mavericks and are searching for XCode 5, it is no longer available in the App Store.
Here are a few download links right from Apple servers.
http://stackoverflow.com/a/10335943 -
Will the Qt 5.4 package and its bundled Qt Creator support Xcode6 out-of-the box, or will we still need to perform these 1 or 2 hacks (change the qdevice.pri file and update lldbridge.py manually)?
I tried looking in Qt JIRA to find out, but wasn't able to find the pertinent issues. (I did see this bug https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-41838 but it was not addressed and perhaps it was a duplicate or entered in the wrong category.)
[quote author="VStevenP" date="1413498920"]Will the Qt 5.4 package and its bundled Qt Creator support Xcode6 out-of-the box, or will we still need to perform these 1 or 2 hacks (change the qdevice.pri file and update lldbridge.py manually)?
I tried looking in Qt JIRA to find out, but wasn't able to find the pertinent issues. (I did see this bug https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-41838 but it was not addressed and perhaps it was a duplicate or entered in the wrong category.)
[/quote]Qt Creator 3.2.2 works fine without hacks.
[quote author="VStevenP" date="1413499813"]Do you know what version of QtCreator will be bundled in the Qt 5.4 package? Is it 3.2.2 or some change list after that?
It's important that I understand whether the Qt Creator that is bundled with Qt 5.4 will suffice.[/quote]
As I remamber they always include Qt Creator latest version.
Maybe it will be 3.2.2 or maybe newer, but I think it will not be deprecated version.