[SOLVED] MySQL-Plugin for QT 5.3.1 under OsX 10.9
Do you have that file on your computer ?
no i don't have that
i have those folders on my macApplications Users dev net usr
Library Volumes etc private var
Network bin home sbin
System cores mach_kernel tmpno opt.
also i don't have mysql installed on my mac only on the debian-server
You need the MySQL client libraries in order to load the plugin. You can install them through e.g. macports/brew or the official MySQL package
do you have a link where to download the macports/brew Mysql client ? couldn't find them on the net
macports and brew are package manager for OS X, install one of them, and from there install MySQL
ok what i did
i downloaded: https://distfiles.macports.org/MacPorts/MacPorts-2.3.1-10.9-Mavericks.pkginstalled it
then i opened a terminal and entered:xcode-select --install
after that i entered:
sudo port install qt5-mac-mysql56-plugin
but i still get the same error :
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7shall i do a
sudo port install mysql56
sudo port install mysql56-server
With that command you installed the Qt 5 version from macport. So you probably have also MySQL 5.6 already installed
sorry sgaist - is that a question? i am not sure ?
as mentioned before
i have a debian server running mysql community server
i got a macbook with QT 5.3.1 creator on it
i want to open a connection from the macbook to the mysql community server on the debian server
i am not sure if this is working ..
maybe it is better to start from the beginning
so which version of the QT 5 shall i download an install on my macbook ? -
port installed | grep - i mysql
brought up this:
mysql56 @5.6.19_1 (active)
mysql56-server @5.6.19_1 (active)
mysql_select @0.1.2_0 (active)
qt5-mac-mysql56-plugin @5.3.1_0 (active)in /opt/local/lib/mysql56/mysql
libmysqlservices.a -
So you have what is need. No the only thing is that your plugin point to mysql55 and not mysql56.
Have a look at the install_name_tool command to change that in your plugin
how do i change that ?
By using the install_name_tool command
can u tell me where do i find this tool and how do i use it?
never heard of that before .. still searching on google
It's an OS X command line tool
There are several posts on this forum that mention it on problem similar to yours
really i found lot of articles on google - but i really have no clue how to use that tool ..
can you maybe give me a hint please?
thanks in advance -
in a console write
@man install_name_tool@
Everything is explained
ok i gave up ..
i tried nearly everything that is suggested on :
http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/macosx-deployment.htmli could not make it work with the install_name_tool
so i changed the name of the mysql56 to mysql55 in /opt/local/lib
it seemes to work now - i hope it gives no problems ..
thanks for help, B
Do you mean
@install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/mysql55/mysql/libmysqlclient.18.dylib
/opt/local/lib/mysql56/mysql/libmysqlclient.18.dylib libqsqlmysql.dylib@Didn't work ?
thank you very much - as u know i am a starter but you helped me really out of that problem