QProcess: show window of console application and get access to application status at the same time ?
I have to start a console application from my Qt application.
Therefore I am using QProcess and start().
The task manager shows me that the console application was started successfully. But no console is shown.
I also tried it with startDetached(). Then the console is show, but then I am not able to get the status of the console application, because (as the function name says) it is detached from my Qt application.
Can anyone tell me how I can start a console application with a shown console and have access to the status of the console application at the same time?Greetings,
MHermann -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you show the code where you use QProcess ? Also on which OS/Qt combo are you working ?
I am using Qt4.7.1 and I am working on Windows 7 64bit.
// ...
QString programAndArguments;
programAndArguments += ""example.exe"";
programAndArguments += " -x -y";QProcess *m_processAvrdude;
m_processAvrdude = new QProcess(this);m_processAvrdude->start(programAndArguments);
bool ret = m_processAvrdude->waitForStarted();
if (ret == true)
// ...
@And as I mentioned in my post before the process starts but the belonging console isn't shown.
Pretty old version of Qt, are you locked to it ?
Please take a look at QProcess's documentation to build the argument list