QtAV: how to import QtAV 1.3 and add new CODEC (e.g H.265) to QtAV
I tried to test QtAV examples (downloaded the ZIP file), but I couldn’t get them build (error: avutil is required, but compiler can not find it).I even tried the following link https://github.com/wang-bin/QtAV/wiki/Use-QtAV-In-Your-Projects
I couldn’t get it build, same above error.I have downloaded and installed ""QtAV1.4.0beta-win32-msvc2013-x86.exe":http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtav/files/depends/"
There is qml example code (where import QtAV 1.3 is not recognized) :
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtAV 1.3
Item {
VideoOutput {
anchors.fill: parent
source: player
AVPlayer { //or MediaPlayer
id: player
source: "test.mp4"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: player.play()
@- If I want to get this to work, what should I do?
- If I were to add new video decoder format e.g H.265, where or how should I add it?
Thank you
You should rather contact the author of this library directly, QtAV is not part of the Qt project but uses Qt.