[SOLVED] QGridLayout has no effect
I have made some custom widgets and I try to put them in a QGridLayout. If I put only one of them in it, everything works fine. But if I add a second one, the QGridLayout doesn't do any positioning. They are both on top of each other. If I output the pos() of both widgets, they are both (0, 0). How can that be? Is there something I have to implement in my widgets so that they can be properly arranged by a layout? I also tried other layouts such as QVBoxLayout, it's the same behavior.
Please show the code where you use QGridLayout
Sounds like you put the widgets in layout but didn't assign that layout to any container. Layouts don't have an effect if they are not set on a widget.
I assigned the layout to a widget, otherwise nothing at all would be displayed.
That's the code where I use QGridLayout:
@void MyWindow::arrangePlugins(void)
qint32 x, y, n;x = 0; y = 0; setCentralWidget(new QWidget(this)); QGridLayout grid; n = 0; foreach(RCCPlugin *plugin, plugins) { QWidget *w = plugin->w(); grid.addWidget(w, y, x); x++; n += w->height(); if(n > (qint32)(0.8 * QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height())) { n = 0; x++; y = 0; } } centralWidget()->setLayout(&grid);
@ QGridLayout grid; @
This is a local variable.
Goes out of scope and gets destroyed here:
@ } @
Use dynamic allocation (new).