Problem with signal system
I will try to explain my problem (about order of receive signal):
I've two different object instanciate (O1, O2) and two qml files (Q1, Q2).
In one qml file Q1, I made a connection between signal from O1 and slot from O2.
In O1 I have a Q_PROPERTY (read write notify).
In the setter of the Q_PROPERTY I have an emit of the previous signal.
During the execution I regulary emit the signal (out of the setter), and when I press a button in Q2, it call the setter of the O1's Q_PROPERTY and so emit the signal and stop the other emission.The problem is that the slot in O2 receive signals in a bad order : signal send in the setter is immediatly receive, before some signal which are emit before.
Is it clear :/ ?
Edit: Same if I use a Q_INVOKABLE function instead of setter.
Not really clear, can you show a code sample ?
while(update) {
emit signalToObject2();
propertySet() {
update = false;
emit signalToObject2();
@slotReceiveSignalFromObject1() {
@button {
onClicked: = ...;
}@Result is when I click, I receive immediatly the signal send in propertySet() and after I receive signal which were pending (send in while, before the set). Like if in the set, signals are priority.
You see ? Thank to try to understand me ^^'
Sending signals from a while loop like that is bad design, why are you doing it ?
Got any thread running ?
I can't give you a working example...
I feel that sending a signal in a classic function call is not the same as sending a signal in a setter call throught the Q_PROPERTY system like if there is a priority or an immediate call to the function (bypassing the queue).
Do you thing it's possible ?I'm starting with Qt sorry..
Lacking a working example, or valid C++ and QML, my suggestion is to read the documentation on signals and slots, and the property system.
Depending on the connection, delivery of a signal to a slot may occur via a direct function call, or the event loop of the receiver.