Qt 5.1.0 failed to load wmfengine.dll in some computers
Are you sure the plugin is not loaded ? Or is it failing to read some files ?
It's not loaded.Fortunately, I finally solved this problem by recompiling QMultimedia.But there is also a problem that when I try to use the code to save the image of QGraphicsScene,the result is the same as QMultimedia. Some Computer can save the picture,but others can't! What's more, it seems that Qt can't support windows XP perfectly.My application can't be launched in some XP OS.I really don't know why.
What compiler are you using ?
Qt Creator is not a compiler it's an IDE. However you seem to bee using Visual Studio 2010.
Check the version of the non-working XP, they are probably older than SP2 which is the oldest version supported AFAIK
Do they all also share the same Windows update sets ?