[SOLVED] LNK 1104 : cannot openfile ’debug\project.exe’
hello ,
Whenever I change something in my code this fatal error occurs I tried different solutions:
1)clean->run qmake->build->run
- I tried to delete the build directory but it says that the action couldn't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program but I couldn't find where it is working
3)I closed the qt creator and I deleted the .pro.user file and I reopened the project .
none of those solutions worked .
Can anybody help me findout the problem ?
thanks in advance.
Do you have an anti-virus running ? Some of them might interfere when developing.
Windows quirks...
Go to Task manager on Windows and see if you program is still running ? May be you have written console app. It may be running still in background.
Dheerendra has a good point. Without the need to use the Task manager, Qt Creator shows you if your application is still running.
Unlike on *nixes, on windows you can't rebuild your application if it's still running.
Well that day when I closed the Qt creator there wasn't any warning such as :
" your application is still running : force quit / cancel"
It has just exited normally after that when I opened the windows task manager Qt creator is not the list of running applications but when I reopen the project the same error occurs.
the problem was solved only when I copied the project into a new folder.
It is not QtCreator issue. There must be a process called project.exe running. Once you move the project to different directory, path of executable got changed. So you are building the project.exe from different path. Hence it worked. I strongly suspect that there must be a project.exe running in your task manager. Please search for project.exe in task manager.
enjoy now. You can close this request to SOLVED state.