Linker error while building Qt source on Windows
Hello all,
I have a need to use Qt with Visual Studio 2010 for 64-bit. Since there are no pre-compiled binaries available for that platform, I am building qt source. I have followed these steps.
- Installed Python, Perl at C:\Python27, C:\Perl64 respectively.
- Extracted Qt source at C:\Qt\source.
- I have installed Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and all the available updates are installed as well.
- I have downloaded icu binaries and saved them at C:\icu.
- Added these to PATH:
C:\Perl64\bin;@- Then I opened 'Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010)'
- Ran the following.
@cd Qt
cd source
configure -prefix c:\Qt\source\qtbase -debug-and-release -opensource -icu -platform win32-msvc2010 -opengl desktop
jom.exe -j10@At this time, I got the following error.
@LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'icuin.lib'@
I added C:\icu4c-53_1\lib64 to PATH. But that didn't help either.
Any pointers on what could be going wrong?
You probably need to path an additional argument to configure for it to find the icuin.lib file.
Try adding
@-L C:/icu4c-53_1/lib@
Change that path to match the actual folder where the lib files can be found
I did that. I added the following as arguments to configure.
@-L C:\icu4c-53_1\lib64 -I C:\icu4c-53_1\include@
I get the same error when I run jom.
Do you have lib files (not dlls) in that folder ?
[quote author="SGaist" date="1408564540"]Do you have lib files (not dlls) in that folder ?[/quote]
Yes, icu distribution has 3 folders:
bin64 (dlls etc.,)
lib64 (libs etc.,)
includes (headers) -
Did you restart from clean when you added the paths to configure ?