Remote compile and static libraries
I've tried to use the "Remote compiler" feature to compile an application for Symbian^3 with static libraries w/o success.
The project is spilt into 3 sub-projects:
MyApp project- app - The main application code
- lib - static lib with model code
- tests - some unit tests
Everything works well for Linux desktop and the SImulator but when using the remote compiler it fails.
I've tried using the "Add library" function in QtCreator but w/o success. The output from the remote compiler is always:
"C:/Nokia/devices/Nokia_Symbian3_SDK_v0.9/epoc32/release/armv5/lib/model.dso: No such file or directory"Any ideas?
The bugtracker of the remote compiler plugin is here AFAIK:
Feel free to add that as a bug there.