MacOS QToolBar issues
When I maximize my QMainWindow with QToolBars it creates a strange toolbar double layer. !!
The upper one is the functional "real" toolbar. It also makes the black one disappear when I just resize them a bit.This only happens on MacOs, on Windows and Linux it works just fine.
Any way to avoid this? MaxOs 10.9 Qt 5.3.1
Looks pretty strange, are you doing anything special when creating this toolbar ?
No, not that I know of
@QToolBar* fileToolBar = addToolBar( tr( "File" ) );
fileToolBar->addAction( newAct );
fileToolBar->addAction( openAct );
@ -
From what you say, it looks like its a bug.
You should check the "bug report system": to see if it's something known. If not the please consider opening a new report providing a minimal compilable example that shows how to reproduce the behavior
Then I'd recommend to first test with Qt 5.5 and if still is there, take a look at the bug report system like I suggested above, if you find nothing please open a report with a minimal compilable example that reproduces this.