Qt 5.3.1 Android OpenGL requirement + startActivityForResult
Dear all,
I'm developing an app where the user can take a photo from camera and use inside the app.
I decided to use the standard camera activity of the device and for that I follow the guide on Android developer that consist on using an Intent and calling startActivityForResultUntil now, no problems, everything works perfect.
But I notice a strange behavior that results in a pseudo-crash for the application on some devices.
What happens is that I get a warning error about openGL issue on putting the context of Qt activity in suspend mode and some other warning about conditions not satisfied, but the app anyway correctly switch to the camera of mobile device but from that point there is no way to back to the app without killing it.
Because that happens on old mobile phones, and because on that devices I constantly get warnings about openGL commands ...
... I'm wondering if the devices does not support all openGL commands required from Qt ... and hence the question:
What are the minimum openGL requirement for Qt 5.3.1 on Android ?
How to specify that constraints on the AndroidManifest.xml to avoid that my app run on "wrong" devices ?This is a critical issue because nevertheless the Qt just show warning messages there are conditions (like that I found) where the app does not recover and even if not crash from the user point of view, it's like a crash.
Ok, I got it.
There was a problem on write permission about the location on where saving the photo taken by camera.
On some devices, everything goes well, on others the camera will fails to write on disk and instead of given an error, it will freeze the app :-(
My mistake, because I used an hard-coded path and I didn't notice it :-(