Vtable Error in Symbian API under Qt
im trying to use TTS under Qt creator as described in "this":http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Symbian_S60_API_In_Qt_Project im using "CTtsPlayer":http://cally.iat.sfu.ca/research/attachment/1174162216.zip and calling the TTS by
@ #if defined(S60_32)
#elif defined(S60_50)
//for Symbian^3
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include "stringloader.h"CTtsPlayer player = CTtsPlayer::NewLC(); TBuf<255> aBuffer( _L("MMS") ); player->PlayTextL( aBuffer ); #endif@ and . pro has @ LIBS += -leuser -lapparc -lcone -leikcore -lavkon -lefsrv -lestor@ but im getting errors
@ multiple definition of 'vtable for CTtsPlayer'
multiple definition of 'non-virtual thunk to CTtsPlayer::MapcPlayComplete(int)'
any solution -
any solution
about "CTtsPlayer::MapcPlayComplete"
it is found in CTtsPlayer and declared virtual@
void CTtsPlayer::MapcPlayComplete( TInt aError )
iErr = aError;
iPlaybackInProgress = EFalse;
// Let the paused PlayTextL complete
@and the class inherits from MMdaAudioPlayerCallback
i tried this Class on Symbian Project under Carbide C++
, and it worked finebut in mixing Qt with Symbian APIs it fails
any idea what is " vtable "
solved by cleaning includes of header files
as as each file as refering to each other in a bad way -
vtable issues are sometimes caused by moc not working on all files it should work on. Rerunning qmake does help most of the times for me.
A clean rebuild usually fixes the rest of the cases:-)
thx all
the solution that some header files missing and other are duplicated in a bad way