[SOLVED] Qserialport in QT 5.3 running in Android !!!!
I have tried qserialport on industrial pos (point of sales),so i thinks the kernel has enabled serial port and libusb, because i can use the serial port.
In the Qt 5.3 we have bluetooth,
Why Don't we use bluetooth?@
@I don't have tried, but i thinks that work because android uses protocol bluetooth with adapter than it convert the signal in rs232.
What do you thinks?
Thanks mr_wallyit
i testing but not have any example whit serial com over bluetooth
looking this
Dear projetoslinux,
if we use a adapter, the protocol between smartphone and the adapter is bluetooth, the conversation rs-232 is done by converter.
e.q. in qt:
/opt/qt/Examples/Qt-5.3/bluetooth$ ls
pingpongI thinks that the pingpong is a type of communications network client - server. I like this idea but adapters bluetooth are very expensive for me, i search a economic device on ebay. I need a lot of time for try.
Hi mr_walyit
m a testing in embedded android solutions and work fine, but in my cell phone, not work, in next week i compile phone kernel. adapters is most expensive !!! and don
t resolve portability
thanks... -
Have you compiled Kernel?
My best regards