[PyQt] Custom Scrollbar design {SOLVED}
I really really REALLY don't like the Windows' scrollbars, that's why I was wondering if I could change them out and place another ones.
I've been reading around and I found a lot of information about "Style Sheets" but, in the case of the RadioButton's you can change the images (the apparence) of the button with a .jpg or a .gif . Can I do the same with scrollbars? Can I create my own scrollbars and put them in my widget? Also, how much parts would need the scrollbar? Because the TreeView needs 5 or 6 ones, example here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-qtreeview
Thanks for reading :)
In the same document you have the styling of the scrollbars. Setting a style sheet for the scrollbar will also modify those from the QTreeView.
Hope it helps
You can use style sheets to customise almost every element of a QScrollBar, the following is an excerpt from a previous project where I did just that:
class ScrollBar(QScrollBar):
def init(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
QScrollBar.init(self, parent, **kwargs)self.setStyleSheet("""QScrollBar:vertical { width: 45px; margin: 45px 0 45px 0; } QScrollBar::handle:vertical { min-height: 10px; } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { background: none; height: 45px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { background: none; height: 45px; subcontrol-position: top; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical { image:url('./icons/up_48.png'); height: 40px; width: 40px } QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical { image:url('./icons/down_48.png'); height: 40px; width: 40px }""")
@It's not exhaustive, but it shows changing the size of most of the key elements and using your own images for the buttons. There's a section on QScrollBar in both the "Style Sheets Reference":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-reference.html and "Style Sheets Examples":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-qscrollbar documents.
Hope this helps ;o)
@Sgaint Of course I know there are examples but there was any with a scrollbar edited with imatges and that's what I was wondering.
@jazzycamel Thanks for the example, that's what I wasn't sure about: if I could use imatges and how much parts/images needs a complete scrollbar. That last one, if you could make a simple post with the parts, I would love it :)
Try the following:
import sip
sip.setapi('QString',2)from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *class ScrollBar(QScrollBar):
def init(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
QScrollBar.init(self, parent, **kwargs)self.setStyleSheet(""" QScrollBar:horizontal { border: none; background: none; height: 26px; margin: 0px 26px 0 26px; } QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { background: lightgray; min-width: 26px; } QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal { background: none; width: 26px; subcontrol-position: right; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal { background: none; width: 26px; subcontrol-position: top left; subcontrol-origin: margin; position: absolute; } QScrollBar:left-arrow:horizontal, QScrollBar::right-arrow:horizontal { width: 26px; height: 26px; background: none; image: url('./glass.png'); } QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal { background: none; } /* VERTICAL */ QScrollBar:vertical { border: none; background: none; width: 26px; margin: 26px 0 26px 0; } QScrollBar::handle:vertical { background: lightgray; min-height: 26px; } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { background: none; height: 26px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { background: none; height: 26px; subcontrol-position: top left; subcontrol-origin: margin; position: absolute; } QScrollBar:up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical { width: 26px; height: 26px; background: none; image: url('./glass.png'); } QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical { background: none; } """)
class Widget(QWidget):
def init(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
QWidget.init(self, parent, **kwargs)self.setWindowTitle("Custom Scroll Bar Example") l=QVBoxLayout(self) self._scrollArea=QScrollArea(self) self._scrollArea.setVerticalScrollBar(ScrollBar(self)) self._scrollArea.setHorizontalScrollBar(ScrollBar(self)) w=QWidget(self) ll=QGridLayout(w) for i in xrange(20): for j in xrange(10): ll.addWidget( QPushButton( "Button ({0},{1})".format(i,j), self ), i, j ) self._scrollArea.setWidget(w) l.addWidget(self._scrollArea) self.resize(250,400)
if name=="main":
from sys import argv, exita=QApplication(argv) w=Widget() w.show() w.raise_() exit(a.exec_())
It should look something like:
!http://s24.postimg.org/rhcr4uzs5/Screen_Shot_2014_05_06_at_12_21_29.png(Custom Scroll Bar Example Screenshot)!
You'll just have to find an image to substitute for my 'glass.png'.
Hope this helps ;o)