[SOLVED] QSystemScreenSaver
I'm trying to stop the screensaver when my app is in the foreground.
(http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Inhibiting_the_screen_saver)I followed the code snippet from the link above, but still, I'm getting compile errors 'QSystemScreenSaver' does not name a type.
I use Qt SDK 1.1 beta on Windows 7.
The compiler can't find QSystemScreenSaver class declaration. Make sure your code has include line like this before using QSystemScreenSaver class:
@#include <QSystemScreenSaver>@
You also need to specify QtMobility namespace, that blog article does not mention it for some reason, so make sure there is a macro line like this after the include line:
Make also sure you have lines like this in your .pro file
@CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += systeminfo@