QT creator 4.8 and visual C++ 64 bits on windows 7 64 bits
i like to install QT Creator 4.8 with visual C++ 64 bits (vsersion 2010 or 2013). Can anyone send me a link wher i can download a precompile release?thanks you
Hi and welcome to devnet,
There's currently no prebuilt x86_64 version of Qt 4 but It's really not hard to build one yourself. The main difference is that you need to start an x86_64 visual studio command line then you can just follow the instructions from there.
With VS2010, it should be pretty straight forward to compile with the x86_64 cmd-line.
I got it to compile with VS2013 as well, but you'll need some patches (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18080625/qt-4-8-visual-studio-2013-compiling-error).
VS2013, x86_64 and WinXP support is also doable, but a bit more complicated.