Missing Keystrokes after Clipboard-Operations in Creator 3.1.0
I'm working with Creator 3.1.0 (QT 5.2.1) under OpenSuse 13.1 and have a strange problem in all QTCreator editor windows: After a clipboard-copy or paste (CTRL-C/V) the next 1 or 2 keystrokes are ignored. This problem is annoying as hell and only exists in QTCreator, the rest of the system is working fine.
Has anybody experienced the same problem ? Is seems not to be a known QTCreator bug. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you also had this with Qt Creator 3.0 ? In any case, you should consider opening a new report about it but it could be useful for the developer to know whether it's something new for 3.1
Hi ,
I never used 3.0. The last version was 2.4.0, which did not have this problem. It seems to me that there is some kind of timeout running (~200ms) after each clipboard operation. During that interval, all Input is ignored.
[edit] Just found this thread, describing a very similar problem: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38647/ -
Sounds indeed like a regression. You should have a look at the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if it something known. If it's not the case, please consider opening a new report with as much details as possible.
OK, i have filed a bug (QTCREATORBUG-12182), let's see what happens... :-)