Additional transparent Window when using QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
Hi Guys,
I have an issue which I can't solve by myself. It occurs when I try to use QFileDialog::getOpenFileName. Then I've get additional window in left corner fully transparent (Until you move it). There is an "Screenshoot": . Funny thing is that this very same windows also appears when I use "Open File or Project" option from menu file in QTCreator itself. It's very annoying. I've tried reinstall qt creator and recompile Libs as well - and nothing helps.
Any ideas?
Thanks -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What version of Qt are you using on what version of Ubuntu ?
Can you try again but with Ubuntu's provided Qt 4 ?
I didn't ask for that. It's just a matter of calling apt-get install qt4-dev or something like that.
So both Ubuntu's own Qt and the one you compiled yourself gives you this strange window ? Qt 5 also ?
Yep I've install QT Creator with QT 4, and then compile QT5 Libs. I've notice this strange windows recently, so I've recompile QT 4 and QT 5 Libs e.g. i've followed this steps but it won't work.
If you have built Qt 5.2 or greater, it won't work with Qt Creator 2.8.1 you need at least Qt Create 3
With 2.8.1 you can't run code from 5.2 or greater. Since you have built from Git you should have something like 5.3
No need to go that extreme, you can also just build Qt Creator by hand, it's able to handle several Qt versions at the same time
Are you in a virtual machine? VirtualBox is known to cause graphics issues with Qt and OpenGL. (I'm not sure if this is related to your issue though, since you are using widgets)
[quote]But now, with this line (greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets) in my .pro file, shouldn’t that solve my problem?[/quote]I don't think that's related to anything discussed in this thread so far.