[solved]QSound for embedded ubuntu, qt_lib_multimedia.pri is lost
Hi all:
I'm now trying to build a media player on a ARM board, the cpu is freescale iMX6. System on board is ubuntu 12.04. And I have build a cross complier for the board on my PC which is also running 12.04.
I've built a small program using QSound to play a wav file successfully on my computer.
But when I tried to complie it with cross complier, a notice reads: " Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: multimedia " appeared.
In my .pro file, I've added QT += widgets multimedia.
And I've include <QSound> in my main.cpp.
And I've checked the cross complier libs, there's QSound there.When compile programs for PC, I use g++.
And for the arm system, I use arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-gcc.In the ../qt5/qtbase/mkspecs/modules
There's no files like qt_lib_multimedia.pri.So is it the cause of problem? Is so how can I install it?
So does anyone meet the same problem?
Do I need to set more parameters?
Thanks a lot. -
[quote author="andreyc" date="1398395836"]What version of Qt do you use for ARM board ?
What version of Qt do run on desktop?[/quote]For the desktop, it's newest version: 5.2.1, I downloaded the online installer from http://qt-project.org/downloads
I use the 64bit version for linux.For the ARM board ,it's qt5, I get it from
with git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt5.git qt5
I think it's 5.3.0 -
I've tried to install all the required packages here:
and made again, but this problem is still there. -
Problem solved in this topic: