Mingw32-make fails
Hi, been trying to take 2 approaches of cross compiling from windows to arm imx6 (qt5). One was from linux, and the other was from windows. This thread is about the from windows attempt which seems to have gone a little bit farther than the linux attempt.
Following this guide : http://c2143.blogspot.com/?view=classic
I run the minGW cmd line tool provided by Qt.
If I run configure like this, I do get a makefile (though it complains a bit about no directX sdk provided). Note I did not tell configure.exe anything about a toolchain (cause if I do, it will fail to produce a makefile for me):
configure.exe -debug /
-embedded /
-arch arm /
-neon /
-platform win32-g++/
-xplatform linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/
-opengl es2 /
-device imx6 /
@However, when I do : mingw32-make
I get the following errors:
'test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
A subdirectory or file src\ already exists
Error occured while processing: src.
makefile:41: recipe for target 'sub-src-make_first' failed
mingw32-make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 1I understand that running mingw32-make should take quite a long time but these errors are spewed out instantly which makes me think something is wrong with the paths inside the makefile or something of that matter.
If someone has had success with cross compiling windows/linux to linux-arm (imx6), please let us know. Going to dive into yocto tomorrow as a last resort and see what we can do.
Thanks for your help in advance.
[edit, code tags added, koahnig]
Personally I have not succeeded in cross-compiling on windows for a linux platform. Partly, because I had other issues which are already a problem under linux.
Nevertheless, you might be interested in this post on "Tool definition for linux cross-compilation on windows":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/37298/
I have added code tags to your post above. Please check "forum rules on how to do next time.":http://qt-project.org/wiki/ForumHelp#e3f82045ad0f480d3fb9e0ac2d58fb01