[Question] Can I use QML to write BB10 and Android / iOS Apps simultaneously?
Evening. Another Noob Question:
Currently I prepare to Start some Training with BB10 and Cascades. The Book with the Tutorials is based on the Momentics IDE. But as I need to write the planned App on BB10 and Android (Bigger Part of the User Base is on Android), I thought about doing this Training with the Current Qt 5.2.1 Library and a Qt Creator 3.1.0 Master Snapshot on Windows 7.
But I have some Questions:
1.) Can I use QML to write BB10 and Android / iOS Apps simultaneously?
I mean: Write the Code for at least BB10 and Android in one Project and implement some Code for the Differences on those Platforms? I know this will probably be very hard for a Beginner but I just want to know if its possible at all.2.) The BB10 (S)NDK is still based on Qt 4.8.5 - Will I get into too much i.e. Compatibility Trouble?
3.) Has any one yet written a BB10 App in the Momentics IDE -> copied the Code over to Qt -> Port the Stuff to Android and or iOS? How hard is it in General [not only for a Noob ;)] to do this and what do I have have to think / care about? I have no Android / iOS Devices at Hand. I can only work with Device Simulators.
Thanks and have good weekend
Oliver -
I don't do BB10 development, but I do develop for Android and iOS using the same Qt 5.2 codebase. You will need Qt 5 for Android and iOS support.
This video talks a lot about having one codebase and multiple platforms
"Adaptable UIs with QtQuick"
or follow the link to the slides in that postYou may also get some value out of:
Targeting multiple mobile platforms with Qt Creator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDRup5z2qz0To make qt5 work on BB10--
http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building-Qt5-for-BlackberryAlso consider posting this question in: