[solved] Object::connect: No such slot
I modified the example "Configuration Dialog" (from Qt 4.8/ creator2.8)
for learning by doing. On a QPushbutton clicked event on one of the pages
of a QStackedWidget a short message should be printed out.
I'm not able to set the connect SIGNAL correctly. What is wrong here ?
@class TestPage : public QWidget
TestPage(QWidget *parent = 0);private:
QPushButton *pb_1 ;
QPushButton *pb_2 ;
QPushButton *pb_go;private slots:
void xxx();};@
@TestPage::TestPage(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
{QGroupBox *gb_avalPorts = new QGroupBox("Availabe ports"); pb_1 = new QPushButton("1"); pb_2 = new QPushButton("2"); QVBoxLayout *sniffLayout = new QVBoxLayout; sniffLayout->addWidget(pb_1); sniffLayout->addWidget(pb_2); gb_avalPorts->setLayout(sniffLayout); pb_go = new QPushButton("Go"); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(gb_avalPorts); mainLayout->addWidget(pb_go); mainLayout->addSpacing(12);
// mainLayout->addStretch(1);
setLayout(mainLayout);connect(pb_go, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(xxx()));
void TestPage::xxx()
qDebug() << "bingo";}
@immediately on startup i get message:
Object::connect: No such slot QWidget::xxx() -
You are missing the Q_OBJECT macro in your class declaration
Never would find this without your hint, thx.
but now:
pages.cpp:-1: error: undefined reference to `vtable for TestPage'i just addes line 3
@class TestPage : public QWidget
TestPage(QWidget *parent = 0);private:
QPushButton *pb_1 ;
QPushButton *pb_2 ;
QPushButton *pb_go;private slots:
void xxx();};@
You need to run qmake when you add/remove the Q_OBJECT macro before building