Qt and OpenCV
I'm attempting to use OpenCV 248 within my Qt Creation application and am hitting a linking snag. In the .pro file I have the following defined:
@#--------------- specifying opencv libs -----------------
CV_LIB_PATH = ../../Libs/x64/opencv/build/x64/vc12/staticlib/
CV_LIBS += opencv_core
opencv_imgproc \#--------------------------------------------------------
debug {
}cvpaths =
cvlibs =
for(libName, CV_LIBS){
cvpaths += -L$${CV_LIB_PATH}$${libName}$${CV_VERSION}$${CV_DEBUG}
cvlibs += -l$${libName}$${CV_VERSION}$${CV_DEBUG}
}INCLUDEPATH += ../../Includes
LIBS += $${cvpaths} $${cvlibs}@-and qmake seems to find everything just fine, no errors. Then in an unassuming object file:
@#include "autoslicer.h"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"Autoslicer::Autoslicer()
cv::Mat2d a;}
@It finds the include just fine. So I know I've got my path's right.
When I go to build I get a bunch of unresolved's for instantiating that Mat2d. What did I miss? Thanks! -
It looks like you have too many \ in your pro file which might be interfering. First thing to do is remove them to be sure that your pro file is clean.
So this is strange. Qt can't seem to locate these libraries. I even placed them in the same directory as my .pro, changed the CV_LIB_PATH variable to "". Then I ran qmake with -d (verbose) and checked the following line to be correct:
@LIBS := -Lopencv_core248d -Lopencv_features2d248d -Lopencv_highgui248d -Lopencv_imgproc248d -lopencv_core248d -lopencv_features2d248d -lopencv_highgui248d -lopencv_imgproc248d@
These .lib files are as is in the same directory as the .pro, which baffles me as to why I still get a
@:-1: error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core248d.lib'@
Don't you have all opencv lib files in only one folder ?
Should be the only path needed
Yeah, I figured out that I was confused with the meaning of the linker options -L and -l. -L points to a directory and then you can use -l for the individual libs, something I didn't totally get. I ended up just expressing the libs without options and used their direct path.
So you go it working ?