Slow Download speed
Hi !!! I generally get speeds around 250 - 300 kbps download speed. But when i tried downloading " Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2012, OpenGL, 553 MB) (Info)" from the qt project downloads, I am getting very slow speed around 8- 9 kbps and after a while it gets disconnected. I have tried this several times on several different networks and laptops. Please help
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Have a look "here": this is the mirror list for that package.
Try a different mirror, you might have a bad connection to the current one
I am also facing the same issue.
Is there a different mirror for downloading QT? Please do comment the link -
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DownThemAll really helped me download with good speed. Thanks a lot
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If anyone wants to use the Online installer, use the "Qt SDK Repo Chooser": to select a better mirror
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