SQLITE, I delete que sqlite file and the database still loading data from the file...
Me Again!
People, I put my sqlite in "C:\ProgramData\MyApp\database.sqlite" and works fine on my app.
Now I remove the file, delete and start the app and the app still showing the data that was in the file!
I try to reboot the virtual machine remove the folder and the app still showing and querying data from my file that in not there anymore!Why that?
static QSqlDatabase getDatabase()
QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::database(getConnectionName());
if (! database.isValid())
database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(DRIVER, getConnectionName());
database.setDatabaseName( getDataBaseName() );
return database;
static QString getDataBaseName()
QString path;
QSettings* regDatabase = new QSettings(REG_APP, QSettings::NativeFormat);
path = regDatabase->value(REG_DATABASE, QSettings::NativeFormat).toString();
return path;
static QString getConnectionName()
return "mimo_database";
Please any tip or help? -
Are you sure you are removing the correct file ? What does getDataBaseName return ?
Also, you have a memory leak in getDataBaseName(), you don't need to create the QSettings object on the heap. If you still want to do it, delete before the return statement.
Hi, you had already deleted that file, didn't you?
So deleting again should bring a similar result.I suggest you search for files "database.sqlite" on your machine and - if there is any - rename it and restart your program.
If not, you should try to get info of the database in debug mode in your app when it shows the data from the file. -
Well... I try rename the the database on disk, and still loading then!
I try this: change the return of "getDataBaseName()" to “C:\ProgramData\MyApp\database.sqlite123”, and I got no database because there is no database with this name...
I really can't understand that... I reading some docs and examples to see the problem... -
Can you collect more information by using
qDebug() << database.databaseName();
qDebug() << database.hostName()
@I presume your database is in memory - see "In-Memory SQLite":https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html
qDebug() << database.databaseName();
qDebug() << database.hostName();
""Another very interesting thing is, the return of this code is TRUE:
static bool isDataBaseCreated()
QFile* arquivo = new QFile(getDataBaseName());
bool retorno = arquivo->exists();
qDebug() << "File name: " << getDataBaseName();
qDebug() << "File exists: " << retorno;
delete arquivo;
return retorno;
}File name: "C:\ProgramData\MyApp\database.sqlite"
File exists: true
@The problem is... the file is really not there!!!
well guys...
after some suffering I make some crazy code:@
static QSqlDatabase getDatabase()
QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::database(getDataBaseName());
qDebug() << "isOpen: " << database.isOpen();
qDebug() << "isValid: " << database.isValid();
if (! database.isValid())
database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(DRIVER, getDataBaseName());
isDataBaseCreated(database);} qDebug() << "Database host: " << database.hostName(); qDebug() << "Database name: " << database.databaseName(); return database; }
static bool isDataBaseCreated(QSqlDatabase db)
bool exists = false;
QFile* arquivo = new QFile(getDataBaseName());
exists = arquivo->exists();
if (exists)
delete arquivo;
return exists;
@In resume:
Using my app, with "same code" and force the file to be deleted and force to database be removed...
Now appears to be solve my problem...
Question: It's recommend before close app do this:
@Thanks all!
Yes I check, with and without Administrator cmd!
[quote author="andreyc" date="1396027781"]Did you try to check if file exists in command shell (cmd.exe)?
An explorer may hide some files.Run the following commands in cmd.exe
dir C:\ProgramData\MyApp\database.sqlite
dir C:\ProgramData\MyApp*