I compiled my qt staticlly but " nmake sub-src " did not work
Hey guys , I've been trying to compile qt statically I did everything and used :
configure -static -release -platform win32-msvc2012
picked the open source and then accepted the rules and it said that it's ready to be built.
then tried to use this:
nmake sub-src
but it did not work , so I used nmake alone and it did work but i'm not sure if using it alone is going to screw it up or something " i'm new " :(
here's a pic of what's happening right now in the cmd
is it working right ?
how long is going to take ? and what to do after ?
oh man I've been waiting so long and now it says error :(
I installed python in C:\Python33
I managed to fix the python problem , I added a path , now it says I need to add a classname entry to a qml_winextras in the qmldir file
- Do I have to rebuild it everytime it stopped because of an error?
Did you start a new cmd after installing python ? Is the path to the python executable in PATH ?
Hello , yeah I fixed the problem about the python , I added the path and everything and it worked, now there's a new problem , here is a pic:
Did you stated a clean build after you installed python ?
I just did this for the third time , dragged the files from the " rar source " to a new file and then tried to build it using vs 2012 twice and vs 2013 this time and still the same problem happened to me I even re downloaded the source files but still :(
It's a really weird problem but what if I donwloaded 5.1.1 source files and used it instead of building 5.2.1 ? is there any difference ? at least for me " newbie " ? is the way of writing is different ?
What rar sources ? For windows you need to download the zip file from "here":http://qt-project.org/downloads
Hey , since I use winrar I usually just say rar file :D
anyways I tried to build 5.1.1 I slept and woke up , sadly I noticed my computer went off after 6 hours from building but I guess it's done since it took about 50g or something. now how to open qt normally ?
Not sure if it's ok to insert links , but I used this:
and now it finished building but I can't find qtcreator , why ?
the assistant and designer and linguist are working great.
Hey guys , sorry for asking lots of questions , I managed to solve it all
for anyone with the same problem , follow this link first:
http://tmacdev.com/2013/build-qt-5-1-statically-on-windows/after that you should go and install qt creator normally " from the download section " ,
Open qt creator and in the option for qt versions select the qmake that was in the built folder! not in the one that you installed before " the dynamic one " , then choose your debugger.
and in every project just add:
CONFIG += static
in the pro file and should work.
Qt Creator is not part of the Qt sources, it's a different project.