[SOLVED] QListView remains empty
Please can anyone help. My QListView remains empty, while my model is OK.
If I set a breakpoint in "data()", it doesn't get reached.Thank you,
// standard constructor// standard destructor
// rowCount is OK
int DicomImageModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & /parent/) const
int i = getImagesCount();
xLogWarning(XLogRecord::Type_User, QString("'rowCount' called, value: %1").arg(i));
return i;
}// fixed size, do I need to add headers or would it work without?
int DicomImageModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex & /parent/) const
return 6;
}// data... don't log here
QVariant DicomImageModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
xLogWarning(XLogRecord::Type_User, QString("'data' called"));int row = index.row(); int col = index.column(); // generate a log message when this method gets called xLogWarning(XLogRecord::Type_User, QString("row %1, col%2, role %3").arg(row).arg(col).arg(role)); //xLogWarning(XLogRecord::Type_User, QString(m_dicomImages[0]->getId())); if(role == Qt::DisplayRole){ if (col == 0) return QString(m_dicomImages[row]->getId()); //if (col == 1) return QString(m_dicomImages[row]->getDicomRef().getSeriesInstanceUID()); return QString("Row%1, Column%2") .arg(row + 1) .arg(col + 1); } return QString("Row%1, Column%2") .arg(row + 1) .arg(col + 1); return QVariant();
// populate model, seems ok but I have no "view" of what happens.
void DicomImageModel::addImage(const XImageObjectPtr image)
int nbRows = m_dicomImages.size();
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), nbRows, nbRows);
xLogWarning(XLogRecord::Type_User, QString(tr("Image %1 added").arg(image->getId())));
}// just a helper, m_dicomImages is a vector of shared pointers (QSharedPointer).
int DicomImageModel::getImagesCount() const {
return m_dicomImages.size();
@ -
What is your DicomImageModel for a class ?
Why do you return an empty QVariant for everything that is not DisplayRole ?
DicomImageModel derive from QAbstractTableModel.
I'm a beginner, so what should I return when it's not a DisplayRole? I lately added this, in fact.
The small plugin I use gets instantiated when I open the main GUI, then if I click on a menu item it gets enabled (visible). It contains a QListView with model previously described.
Something is wrong with rowCount() and columnCount(), they're called at startup, when plugin and model are instantiated, then...
When I add an image to model, rowCount() gets called, but shows "0 row", then I have "1 object in model". It's always 1 item behind.
When I then click onto menu item link, my widget shows, but neither rowCount() nor columnCount() get called again...
it should:
@return QAbstractTableModel::data(index, role);@
The row/column count are not constantly queried. Only when you notify the view that the model has changed.
I would recommend that you have a look at the various Model View examples from Qt's documentation. You'll learn how things work with it