Qt msvc mysql driver, ERROR addExclusiveBuilds() requires at least two arguments
I have qt built with msvc, installed the msvs plugin, everything works wonderfully.
I wanted to open a mysql db connection; this failed with "mysql driver not installed" or something like.
No problem. The instructions are clear:
cd QTDIR\src\plugins\sqldrivers\mysql
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/MySQL/include" "LIBS+=C:/MYSQL/MySQL Server <version>/lib/opt/libmysql.lib" mysql.pro
This seemed clear, and I replaced the paths with the locations for my headers and lib.
However, I get Project ERROR: addExclusiveBuilds() requires at least two arguments.
I have been unable to locate any posts addressing this sequence of events.
I would be grateful if anyone could suggest a solution. Thank you. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you sure you are using the right qmake ? Since you don't give the full pith you might be using your system Qt 4 qmake rather that your Qt 5
Hope it helps
I've often had problem with path containing spaces, you could try the same line replacing "MySQL Server <version>" with it's 8.3 version