Qt Mobility Tech Preview - Feedback API
Welcome to the Feedback API forum on DevNet.
The Feedback API is one of the new APIs being worked on for the Qt Mobility program. It allows you to access the haptics interfaces on Symbian^3 and MeeGo devices.
We would like to share our work so far and see what you think, we would especially like to hear your opinions and comments on what could be improved. This forum is your opportunity to help steer and shape the API so that you as developers will have the best possible API to use.
Today’s release is part our “Technology Preview” package for the new APIs planned for QtMobility 1.1.0.
QtLabs will still be used to communicate the availability of our new packages, but Devnet is where you have the opportunity to review and comment on the API, and suggest changes etc.Welcome to the forum, we look forward to your feedback on the new Feedback API.
Kind regards,
Qt Development Team