CheckProcessInRegistry: Got include list but no match was found.
Hi everyone,
I have been getting this lately and it seems to have to have something to do with my not executing my app on my Android phone. Will execute on my PC:
CheckProcessInRegistry: Got include list but no match was found.
12C4) IsProcessAllowed(Z:\Software\Qt\build-Guage-Desktop\release\Gauge_Client.exe) (80004005)
12C4) DllMain(ProcDetach) [OK]
12C4) DSound_Unhook
12C4) MCIWave_Unhook
12C4) AudioClient_Unhook
12C4) CAudioStreamMgr::ShutdownAny clue what this is?
Any ideas?
This happened to me suddenly too... Until yesterday there was no outputs, but now i get these with every qt project:
240C) CheckProcessInRegistry: Got include list but no match was found.
240C) IsProcessAllowed(D:\Qt\Paint_System\TestPaint vers\TestPaintDockSystem\debug\dockwidgets.exe) (80004005)
240C) DllMain(ProcDetach) [OK]
240C) DSound_Unhook
240C) MCIWave_Unhook
240C) AudioClient_Unhook
240C) CAudioStreamMgr::ShutdownPS: I didnt notice that this message is for mobile versions. I have this problem in desktop. But maybe the solution can be for both versions.
Last time i compiled with qt-creator, i was implementing some gui-stuff (dialog's). Nothing strange. I just decided to use the "shadow" and change the folder-structure of my project. But i dont think that changes anything.
Now i am getting this even with a new qt-project "hello world"...