Mobility 1.1 and BearerType
I am trying to find out the bearer type on Symbian^3 (Nokia C7)...
@QNetworkConfigurationManager manager;
QNetworkConfiguration configuration = manager.defaultConfiguration();
QNetworkConfiguration::BearerType bearerType = configuration.bearerType();@This returns 0 for the bearerType which is BearerUnknown
Does this API actually work? I am using the Nokia Qt 1.1 Tech preview SDK with Qt and Mobility installed on the phone.
Yes, bearerTypeName() returns empty.
configuration.state() also returns 1 (= Undefined)What Symbian capabilities does this require? I have NetworkServices ReadUserData.
Also tried something else... this example mentions using...
MOBILITY += bearer
When I add this, the compiler complains it no longer knows about the QNetworkxxx classes and when I add the QTM_USE_NAMESPACE
macros it's not recognised.Thanks
Where is it documented that the bearer api is deprecated? The documentation for QNetworkAccessManager ( references QNetworkConfigurationManager (under the Network and Roaming support heading) so I doubt it is deprecated.
QNetworkaccessManager doesn't allow me to know if there is a WiFi connection. My app needs to do different things depending on the type of connection (WiFi vs Cellular).
Ummm. I don't get any warning in the 'Compile Output' window of Creator when I compile for Qt Simulator or Simulator Device. This is with the Qt SDK Tech Preview 1.1.
Interestingly, I have found the QNetworkConfigurationManager does work under the simulator and returns a bearerTypeName of Ethernet. It's just on Symbian it doesn't work.