QT 5.2 cannot find libraries ending with e.g. *.so.0
I've just installed Qt 5.2 and tried out to compile and link a desktop application (own development), which has done fine on Qt 5.1 and Qt 4.8. I'm working on Linux Mint 15 (64bit).
The linking process ends up with a list of system libraries that it cannot find, e.g. -lxslt -lgio-2.0 -lgstapp-0.10 and so on. All these libraries are present on my system with a different extension not "libgio-2.0.so" but "libgio-2.0.so.0". I can rename them and the linker finds it. This is a different behaviour in Qt 5.2, and very annoying because i really don't want to change the name of all these libraries manually.
Is there a chance to revoke this change from Qt 5.1 to Qt 5.2?
Yours pm -
Make sure you installed the development package for those libraries.
Don't rename runtime libraries, make symbolic links, ex.
ln -s /usr/lib/lib.so.0 /usr/lib/lib.so
@ -
Thanks, you are right! To be precise, I didn't rename the libraries, but made symbolic links as you've supposed. I also found some missing development packages of e.g. gstreamer. My program has meanwhile compiled.
But all this makes me really unhappy, since I would expect Qt to check for missing dependencies during the installation. (I've installed the offline script qt-linux-opensource-5.2.0-x86_64-offline.run). Furthermore, there were no similar problems with older versions of Qt.
pm. -
For linux is recommended to compile Qt yourself. The configure script will enable the existing libs, or disable what is not present.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
It's very difficult to make such a detection for linux as several distributions uses different package managers with different package naming etc.
The best place to look for a dependency list is the "build Qt 5 from Git":http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building-Qt-5-from-Git page