Opening Cash Drawer using Qt
Hi we are developing the epos application for that we need to open the cash drawer connected to the printer,,,the printer type is EPSON and along with that printer the cash drawer is connected,,,the search regards says that we need to pass "27 112 0 25 250" this means it will work,,,but i dont know how and where we need to pass the things and open the cashdrawer connected with that
how do you communicate with the device?
You could use QtSerialPort module if possible. -
i thought i need to use setPrintProgram(“27 112 0 25 250” ) something like that,,,but dont know how to send the data,,,,,i am using 2 kinds of printer,,,one printer is connected to COM port and another one is virtual usb,,,i connected cash draw along with this 2 kinds of printer,,,nothing has worked,,,stuck with this for 2 days,,,please provide information about opening cashdraw when it is connected to printer....
Hi and welcome to devnet,
There's nobody that can tell you how to do it like that. You have to check the API of your devices, setup the com ports and communicate with them. As raven-worx suggested, Qt provides QtSerialPort to talk with serial devices (no matter whether it's a usb port or a real serial port)
Do you use a printer like "this":