(UPDATE) Qt 4.7: Crashes in QWebView::load on Symbian^3
I found some interesting behaviour and couldn't find the solution (or prove a bug). Please look at the following code:
#include <QtGui>
#include <QWebView>int main(int argc, char** argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWebView view;
return app.exec();
@It compiles with Qt 4.6 and Qt 4.7.1, and runs successfully on Linux and Symbian^3 with Qt 4.6.4 installed. But on Symbian^3 (Nokia N8) with developer versions of Qt 4.7.0 and Qt 4.7.1 it crashes with KERN-EXEC 3 during loading the page.
In that time, QML project with WebView component successfully loads all pages.
Does anybody know is there a problem in the libraries, or something changed in the Qt SDK ?
The complete project (cpp and pro files) could be found "there":http://bit.ly/fOLTRh
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: i filled a bug report "Bug 53483":https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53483 to WebKit team.
UPDATE2: As you can read in the WebKit bug tracker the bug is in current versions of Qt (4.7.0 and 4.7.1). The latest (Qt 4.7.2) version fixes this bug.
Please file a bug report at bugreports.qt.nokia.com, so that the issue can be investigated and tracked.
This does sound like a regression.Cheers,