Using a Qt based library in an android app
i have a library which is based on Qt 5. I built it for armeabi to get a shared library.
The Anroid application has an jni part which involves the Library. Therefore i have a folder "lib" in my project root. There the library is placed in armeabi/
In the folder "jni" contained in the app root i have a folder libmylib in which an is placed:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../../lib/armeabi/
@The placed in jni contains
$(call import-module, mylib)
@Running ndk-build works fine and copies the libraries to libs/armeabi.
In my MainActivity i call
This all works good, but i also need, which is involved the same way. But while loading Qt5Core the application crashes with
@UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unknown Failure@Is there a better way to get the qt libraries to the android device? Next to the fact that a library project does not generate the necessary libraries, i needed to turn the library into a small application which was deployed to the device. Now Qt created a folder android-builds which contained all those libraries.
I copied these as necessary to my android application, but as said, as soon as i try to load qt5core it crashes.Is it possible to build mylib such that it contains all required information and i only need to add one library?
Thank you!
Kind Regards!
I'm also attempting the same thing - hopefully someone can enlighten both of us.
dualfaces, I made some headway by statically compiling Qt. If you don't need to create a QGuiApplication object, this might be enough for you. I'm stuck on creating the QGuiApplication object because it can't find the android platform library, even though I have packaged it into my APK.
Same issue here!
Is it a bug of Maybe we could include the code files in ours libraries instead of reference libQt5Core...