How to configure the debugger for Qt creator?
Did you install Xcode/Xcode command line tools ?
this became a bit difficult on latest Mac OS 10.9 with XCode 5.
it used to be automatic, qt, by default, would use gcc + gdb. but Mac has changed to use clang + lldb.
What you need to do is creating another Qt kit from QtCreator's preference, because the default Qt Kit doesn't allow you to change the debugger.
When selecting debugger, you need to select lldb and point the location to /Application/Xcode5.1/Content/Developer/usr/bin/lldb
[quote author="SGaist" date="1384551305"]
Did you install Xcode/Xcode command line tools ?[/quote]
How to install "Command line tools"?. I have in Preference -> Downloads:
[quote author="billconan" date="1384555539"]this became a bit difficult on latest Mac OS 10.9 with XCode 5.
it used to be automatic, qt, by default, would use gcc + gdb. but Mac has changed to use clang + lldb.
What you need to do is creating another Qt kit from QtCreator's preference, because the default Qt Kit doesn't allow you to change the debugger.
When selecting debugger, you need to select lldb and point the location to /Application/Xcode5.1/Content/Developer/usr/bin/lldb[/quote]
I did so:
It does not works.
You can install the command line tools with:
xcode-select --install
@However, I think you won't have much luck with debugging in Qt 5.1. Use Qt 5.2 Beta which supports LLDB. See also this post:
"": -
I installed Qt 5.2. Now works! Thanks
[quote author="panosk" date="1384602089"]Hi,You can install the command line tools with:
xcode-select --install
@However, I think you won't have much luck with debugging in Qt 5.1. Use Qt 5.2 Beta which supports LLDB. See also this post: