[SYMBIAN] CSS Stylesheets for QScrollArea backgrounds
I had asked that question over at SO and due to picture upload restrictions in here, pls. check this link for details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4825976/transparent-qwidget-qscrollarea-background-style-setting-has-no-effect
I try to set the background of a QScrollArea using a Stylesheet. Within Qt Designer this seems to work, but when deploying to the emulator, it will just paint a gray area. Pls. check the SO link for details & Stylesheet.
There are several links on the internet that all end without working solution.
Would appreciate any help on this.
Sebastian -
You mention 'simulator' in the SO question and 'emulator' here.
Traditionally in Symbian context 'emulator' refers to S60 SDK winscw emulator.
Which is it? Or both? -
Thanks for the clarification.
I am suspecting QS60Style bug. If you can test your implementation by changing to some other style in QtCreator (QApplication::setStyle(new QWindowsStyle), for example) and if it does not reproduce there (note that the whole UI should look a bit different), then it is a bug in the QS60Style.
If this is the case, please raise a bug to "http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/