Memory leak under OsX when using overpaint?
Hello QT forum,
I found a pretty strange behaviour when testing my QT app and discovered the same when testing it with the overpainting example:
I tested the application against memory leaks using Instruments, a tool for mac osx.
- When I changed the framerate to 60Hz or higher the memory consumption increased linearly by 1Mb / 60 sec
2 ) Works fine with a lower framerate. This should not be an issue, or what do you think?
3 ) Anyway, when calling also updateGL(); before calling update() in order to invoke the paintEvent everything works fine again.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?
modified the file: opengl/overpainting/glwidget.cpp
connect(&animationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate()));
animationTimer.start(16); // changed this from 25ms to 16ms. Sould be roughly 60Hz
which causes a memory leak.However, when adding also updateGL() to the animate function, the memory leak did not occur, ever when beeing updated at 60 Hz:
void GLWidget::animate()
QMutableListIterator<Bubble*> iter(bubbles);updateGL();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Bubble *bubble =;
@@When looking at the call stack it looks to me that under OsX a lot of timer objects (NSTimer) are being created nut not destroyed. This happens within update, so at a level where I cannot call delete or release. It seems, that there is a rate for freeing these objetcs and by running my timer to fast a constant number seems to be left behind in the memory, which could explain the constant increase in memory.
I hope I could make the problem clear and hope to get some interesting comments on this. Moreover, I hope that some people can save some time chasing down this problem.
Best regards,
Reinhard - When I changed the framerate to 60Hz or higher the memory consumption increased linearly by 1Mb / 60 sec
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since the problem goes low level, I would recommend that you post this question on the interest mailing list, you'll find there Qt's maintainers/developers (this forum is more user oriented)
You could also check the "bug report system": to see whether it's a known issue.
Adding which version of Qt you are using and which version of OS X would also be helpful