Compiling errors
I get errors when compiling because the Qt Designer failed to delete parts of the button. Deleting in the debug builds work fine untill Designer reloads and adds the case back in, however removing it in the release moc file does not work that way. Is there anyway to fix this? Heres pictures of errors:
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Hi and welcome to devnet,
How did you remove the button in the first place ?
Then just to be sure, re-run quake to see if it helps.
If still not, remove the build directory and rebuild
Another thing you can try is to remove your file and re-open it in Qt Creator.
Are you sure your ui file doesn't contain this button ? And did you also remove the slot from your code ?
[quote author="SGaist" date="1382909443"]Are you sure your ui file doesn't contain this button ? And did you also remove the slot from your code ?[/quote]
The slot is not in my .cpp and there is no button named pushButton. If you want ill add you on skype and we can try solving this problem faster.
Do you call cache() in you pro file ?