Qt for embedded Linux, VNC and OpenGL/OpenVG
I have a question regarding the VNC Server implementation of Qt for embedded Linux ("klick":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtjambi-4.4/html/com/trolltech/qt/qt-embedded-vnc.html), and hope I find someone who can answer it (google did not find an answer :-()
For testing purposes, I want to connect to my embedded device using VNC, which works just fine. Will this still work when the embedded Linux application uses OpenGL/OpenVG?
Thanks a lot in advance for Your help!
The VNC QScreen driver in Qt Embedded will not work correctly if your application uses OpenGL/OpenVG. As far as I know, VNC renders on the server side (your device) and sends the rendered tiles across the wire to the client. Generating these tiles from OpenVG/OpenGL content would be unfeasibly slow and would require some rather significant changes to Qt's VNC code.
Ideal solution would be to use something like "VirtualGL":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualGL but that will still require that you implement a new screen driver in Qt Embedded. If you decide to proceed on this, I would recommend making a "Lighthouse" plugin to Qt 4.8 to support this rather than trying to hack QScreen, but this is still a non-trivial task.