Launching native apps in Symbian3
You can have a look at this post "[Solved] Invoking external applications to view, edit and print documents":
Thanks, using QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("", QUrl::TolerantMode)); I can launch youtube on the symbian3 native web browser.
Why don't you use the QWebview class? It already provides a complete browser:
Thanks for your suggestion. I tried the 'FlickableWebView' QML element, it does show the webpage, but unfortunately it won't play for example youtube videos.
I didn't try Qt QWebView widget, but since my UI is implemented in QML, I find it difficult to integrate the QWebView Qt widget within my QML UI. I have been trying to integrate Qt widgets into the QML UI (for example, QVideoWidget), but I didn't have much luck with it yet.
With QWebview you must enable plugins via the class QWebsettings (by default they are disabled). Maybe the same counts for FlickableWebView