Android screen resolution problem[solved]
hai,, ansifpi,
I have the same problem.. but i used to use scale function for the app in qt 4.8 project which is available in qdeclarativeview class but its not available in qtquick2applicationsviewer , what to do. i used fixed size , i cant change the whole project , do you have any idea ? please...
Hi vishu,
To be honest, i didnt try the above solution fully in my application. But I am sure that the solution above is good for all cases.
But check the latest Qt release, currently they are providing full support of Android development. Also there are some apps available for Android too, developed in Qt. I will check the links and will update you soon. Also just go through the latest Qt version and try some Android deployment, you can see the differences between your old and new versions. -
Hi, ansifpi
I installed Qt5.2 and i successfully ported qt4.8 project to Qt5.2 and deployed it in Android device, I met some troubles and resolved all but major is this resolution problem in we used qdeclarativeview and it has plenty of options. and even in Qt5.0 qtquick1apllicationviewer is inherited by qdeclarativeview but This qtquick2applicationviewer have really different hierarchy ,
Use QQuickView instead of QDeclarativeview. QDeclarativeView is the old version usage, but in later Qt versions from Qt 5 we use QQuickView. I think you can easily change it to QQuickView, because most of the previous functions in QDeclarativeView is supported by it. For QtQuick 2.0 and latest libraries supports QQuickView. I think may be this will resolve the Android issue. -
Please update me if your problem is solved. I will also need to test it for my application too.
I suggest to work on the latest release, because Qt is much changed during these 2 year. In Current Qt version you can see some demos built for Android devices too. Qt 4.8 is a good version for PC's, but if you are looking for Android then its better to work on these latest versions.
You are correct,
I got some lengthy solutions, i,e- Changing my all qml files width and height and its child width and height , And i have to use as much as possible anchoring and relative width height, whenever the screen resolutions changes, this is very nasty because changing every width and height is not good idea, and especially handling elements with TextEdit, TextInput and Text is really difficult.
- designing new project for different resolutions , this is also bad idea,
- yet to find?
if i get something really good idea.. i will tell you
Ok. Will see you later.Best of luck!!!