[Question] Which QT tool to use to develop this project
Dear all,
I'm interested to create a project that can be written once and deployed for Nokia N8 (running Symbian^3) and Windows Mobile 6
Can recommend which tool should I use to start with?I've downloaded QT SDK for Windows but it does not have QT version for Symbian when I create a new project in QT Creator (as in the tutorial "Creating a mobile application". Tried downloading Symbian SDK and does not seem to have an IDE like QT Creator.
Hi HamikSu,
It is Qt and not QT (Quick Time)
You should get the Nokia Qt SDK from "forum nokia":http://www.forum.nokia.com/Develop/Qt/ which makes it quite easy for you to develop and deploy on to your mobile .....
For WinCE chk this "link":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/install-wince.htmlAnd you can use creator as the IDE
What that is confusing for you is just some notes before starting with Qt. There's no different between platforms to use with QtCreator. Then you need to have a little knowledge about configuring Qt for different platforms. Although you can download compiled binaries from http://qt.nokia.com
then you can set the QtCreator environment to your desired SDK at Tools->Options->Qt4to compile for WinMobile and WinCE you'll need to have their SDK installed. After configuring your Qt for required version, you'll have to use QtAddIn under VS2008 to compile and deploy to your device.