[CLOSED] app executable can't find plugins
in my application main function i have below code to check for plugins:
QCA::Initializer qcaInit;
if(!QCA::isSupported(" sha1") || !QCA::isSupported(" pkey"))
QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Error", "No cryptocraphic library could be found! application is exiting.");
return 1;
}@when i run this within Qt, it is perfectly working but when run the executable in another machine it always returns 1!
i have copied qca-ossl and qca-pkcs11 dlls onto plugins/crypto folder -
Your path seems strange.
":/plugins/crypto" points to a folder in your resources. Is it a typo here ? Or in your code ?
this code also is not working!
@app.addLibraryPath(app.applicationDirPath() + "/" + "plugins" + "/" + "imageformats");
app.addLibraryPath(app.applicationDirPath() + "/" + "plugins" + "/" + "crypto");
QStringList listAppLibPaths = QCoreApplication::libraryPaths();
foreach (QString str, listAppLibPaths)
Message::information("Path", str);
QCA::ProviderList listProviders = QCA::providers();
listProviders += QCA::defaultProvider();
foreach (QCA::Provider *provider, listProviders)
Message::information("Provider Name:", provider->name());
}QStringList listFeathures; listFeathures.append("cert"); listFeathures.append("cms"); listFeathures.append("smartcard"); if(!QCA::isSupported(listFeathures)) { Message::error(QObject::tr("Error"), "No cryptographic library could be found! application is exiting."); return 1; }@
appPath: is application executable path
listAppLibPaths: will contain appPath, appPath/plugins/imageformats, appPath/plugins/crypto
listProviders: will contain only defualt provider if i copy crypto folder to appPath/plugins/crypto folder, so none of my cryptographic plugins are found in appPath/plugins/crypto folder!
listProviders: will contain defualt provider and qca-ossl if i copy crypto folder to appPath folder
by the way, qca-pkcs11 is never found! -
Did you try to contact the QCA guys to see whether there's an explained way to do it ?
yes i sent an email! however they answer every 3 days !!
i could solve some part of it by creating a sub-directory of appPath/crypto/crypto and copying the plugins inside it. now when i run this on another machine it is working properly but inside qt i just have access to qca-pkcs11
and QCA::pluginDiagnosticText() tells me:
qca-ossld2.dll: failed to load: Cannot load library C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.4/mingw/plugins/crypto/qca-ossld2.dll:
qca-pkcs11d2.dll: (class: pkcs11Plugin) loaded as qca-pkcs11
thanks for your concern :-)