How to inform listview that model data has changed?
You can use "dataChanged": with both first and last item pointing to the same index.
Hope it helps
I am not sure I am following you correctly:
You do have a custom model right ?
The where does your changes come from ? -
If your model is custom, the listener should notify your model that something has changed, then you should update the model content and emit the signal
Let me explain using some pseudo code:
class ModelItem {
ModelItem(file) {
registerChangeHandler(file, this, &ModelItem::fileChanged)
}void fileChanged(file) {
// How do I update the model, this ModelItem is part of?
}class Model : public QAbstractItemModel {
In fileChanged() how do I update my model, which will then in turn update the UI? -
Are you sure that fileChanged should be in the item and not the model ?