Call for Greek C++/Qt developers!
I would like to inform Greek Qt developers that some days ago (since I recently earned the "rank" of "Robot Herder") I have properly requested the creation of "Qt Greece" group. I am waiting for a response on this request. :-)
[quote author="Stavros" date="1308922147"]I would like to inform Greek Qt developers that some days ago (since I recently earned the "rank" of "Robot Herder") I have properly requested the creation of "Qt Greece" group. I am waiting for a response on this request. :-)[/quote]
A question to TROLLs responsible for this, or with an answer: How long does it take to process a request for a new group? :-)
Hi Stavros,
The best case i heard of was 5 minutes. It was a mad scientist that requested it and they get special attention ;)
Last week i also requested a group and didn't get any answer yet. We'll have to be a little patient, but eventually you'll get it.
Have you seen the meetup? You can start doing that already! I like the idea myself.
Cheers Eddy
[quote author="Eddy" date="1309503952"]Hi Stavros,
The best case i heard of was 5 minutes. It was a mad scientist that requested it and they get special attention ;)
Last week i also requested a group and didn't get any answer yet. We'll have to be a little patient, but eventually you'll get it.
Have you seen the meetup? You can start doing that already! I like the idea myself.
Cheers Eddy[/quote]
So I guess this is the time required! Thanks for the info provided.
About the meetup, I also like the idea! :-)
Please be a little more patient. I guess Alexandra is still a bit busy after the summit and with rolling out the new stuff like the "Qt Meetups": I'm sure she will not forget you guys.
[quote author="Volker" date="1309513252"]Please be a little more patient. I guess Alexandra is still a bit busy after the summit and with rolling out the new stuff like the "Qt Meetups": I'm sure she will not forget you guys.[/quote]
Always like the positive spirit and way of thinking of Volker! :-)
Yes! Qt Greece group is on the air! :-)
[quote author="korkakak" date="1309956517"]living_in_greece++;[/quote]
Yes it is! :-)