Call for Greek C++/Qt developers!
Well, untill now there are not enough Greek C++/Qt developers active in the Qt Developer Network (as far as I know), and I do not have a "rank" proper to request the group.
In the meanwhile, this thread would work as a temporary* place to gather Greek C++/Qt developers.
*until the creation of the respective group
Hi Stavros,
I somehow managed to miss your post and stumbled upon it while looking for something else.
As there don't seem to be that many of us Greeks in the Qt Developer Network it was a pity, but anyway....
So hi from me, and maybe we can get some more people to "come out".... -
[quote author="harry" date="1302427764"]Hi Stavros,
I somehow managed to miss your post and stumbled upon it while looking for something else.
As there don't seem to be that many of us Greeks in the Qt Developer Network it was a pity, but anyway....
So hi from me, and maybe we can get some more people to "come out"....
[/quote]Nice of you to join! It would be nice to have more Greek Qt developers active here.
[quote author="Stavros" date="1296496880"]Well, untill now there are not enough Greek C++/Qt developers active in the Qt Developer Network (as far as I know), and I do not have a "rank" proper to request the group.
[/quote]Hi Stavros,
The quality is important, not the quantity :) If you still do not have enough points try to contact DevNet Team and to ask them to create a group for Greek developers.
Btw may be a group for the Balkans will be also useful. I see that Qt DevNet has members from Bulgaria (like me :) ), Romania, Albania, Kosovo and of course Greece. Having in mind the universities and all developers in our region I believe that the number of people interested in Qt will increase.
Leon -
i agree, you should mail a request to admins, and see what they say :)
[quote author="leon.anavi" date="1302764331"]
I believe that the number of people interested in Qt could increase.
[/quote]leon, you should rephrase it as:
I believe that the number of people interested in Qt will increase :P -
[quote author="chetankjain" date="1302767605"]
leon, you should rephrase it as:
I believe that the number of people interested in Qt will increase :P[/quote]Absolutely, I have edited my previous post :)
[quote author="geronik" date="1304325359"]Hello guys, this idea about creating a group is something I have also thought about, so you should definitely ask for it![/quote]
Nice of you to join!
I would like to inform Greek Qt developers that some days ago (since I recently earned the "rank" of "Robot Herder") I have properly requested the creation of "Qt Greece" group. I am waiting for a response on this request. :-)
[quote author="Stavros" date="1308922147"]I would like to inform Greek Qt developers that some days ago (since I recently earned the "rank" of "Robot Herder") I have properly requested the creation of "Qt Greece" group. I am waiting for a response on this request. :-)[/quote]
A question to TROLLs responsible for this, or with an answer: How long does it take to process a request for a new group? :-)
Hi Stavros,
The best case i heard of was 5 minutes. It was a mad scientist that requested it and they get special attention ;)
Last week i also requested a group and didn't get any answer yet. We'll have to be a little patient, but eventually you'll get it.
Have you seen the meetup? You can start doing that already! I like the idea myself.
Cheers Eddy
[quote author="Eddy" date="1309503952"]Hi Stavros,
The best case i heard of was 5 minutes. It was a mad scientist that requested it and they get special attention ;)
Last week i also requested a group and didn't get any answer yet. We'll have to be a little patient, but eventually you'll get it.
Have you seen the meetup? You can start doing that already! I like the idea myself.
Cheers Eddy[/quote]
So I guess this is the time required! Thanks for the info provided.
About the meetup, I also like the idea! :-)
Please be a little more patient. I guess Alexandra is still a bit busy after the summit and with rolling out the new stuff like the "Qt Meetups": I'm sure she will not forget you guys.
[quote author="Volker" date="1309513252"]Please be a little more patient. I guess Alexandra is still a bit busy after the summit and with rolling out the new stuff like the "Qt Meetups": I'm sure she will not forget you guys.[/quote]
Always like the positive spirit and way of thinking of Volker! :-)
Yes! Qt Greece group is on the air! :-)
[quote author="korkakak" date="1309956517"]living_in_greece++;[/quote]
Yes it is! :-)