QT Mobility 1.1 & Camera Access
I need to use the new feature of Mobility 1.1 to develop an application that uses the Camera.
I did the horrible installation of Mobility 1.1 with QT 4.7 and I could build the .sis of the qcamera example with QT Mobility 1.1Now when I install on my N8 I got Access not granted
As I'm a new to QT in Nokia I have to ask : Do I need certain SIGNING to allow this sample run to my mobile? How?
As mentioned in your other thread, please check the capability requirements of your application. Also make sure you have the same Qt Mobility Version installed on your test device too.
Access not Granted ,
Because you are making the application in Qt 4.7.,,,And your device already contains Qt 4.6.3..
It is version conflict..
You should use "Qt 4.7 for Symbian^3 : Developer Version":http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Qt_4.7_for_Symbian^3_-_developer_version -
The device was updated to QT 4.7 using that of the Symbian^3 Developer Version and I installed the mobility 1.1 from file: qt-mobility-symbian-1.1.0-symbian3-nokia-signed.sis
I did that update becuse the N8 was hard reset and I reinstalled the qt using the Qt_4_7_for_Symbian_3_Developer_Version_v1_0_en.zip