How to deploy Phonon QtMediaPlayer in Window Mobile?
Hi All,
I am trying to develop Window Mobile Application using Qt. It needs to play video using Qt Phonon Media Player (qtmediaplayer from samples). Actually in both emulator and mobile phone, I cannot play any video. I copied QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll, QtNetwork4.dll, phonon4.dll and all phonon backend plugins into my application folder and cab file.
When I deployed this application using emulator and opened a video file, the following warnings were shown in program Output.
WARNING: bool __cdecl Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend(void) phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: bool __cdecl Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend(void) phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect Phonon::MediaObject ( no objectName ) to Phonon::AudioOutput ( no objectName ).
WARNING: bool __cdecl Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend(void) phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect Phonon::MediaObject ( no objectName ) to MediaVideoWidget ( no objectName ).
Load module: compime.dll
Load module: shellres.dll
WARNING: bool __cdecl Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend(void) phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: bool __cdecl Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend(void) phonon backend plugin could not be loadedPATH = C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VCcebinx86_arm;C:Qt4.6.3wincebin;C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Bin;C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VCbin;C:WINDOWSsystem32;%PATH%;
Is there any way? I just want to play video using qtmediaplayer in window mobile device. :D
Thanks in advance.
Lwin Htoo Ko
Looks like some plugins are not found.
Have you checked which files your application is trying to access using e.g. "Procmon": on your windows desktop?
Hi Tobias,
Sorry for the very late reply.
Now, I think my application can find the correct plugins.I dynamically load the plugins folder (including phonon_backend: phonon_ds94.dll and phonon_waveout4.dll) but the problem is that I think the plugins cannot find the correct filters or codecs.
Error message comes out when I try to play a video or audio."The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007e)"